3 Reasons why a Headhunter should be your Best Friend

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3 Reasons why a Headhunter should be your Best Friend

3 Reasons why a Headhunter Should be your Best Friend

When you're looking for a job, it's important to work with people who can help. Headhunters are no exception. Learn how they can help you shine on the job market!

Headhunters know the Market and can help you on your Career Path

Recruiters generally specialize in a particular field and know it inside out. Their in-depth knowledge of the market enables them to be proactive and aware of “hot” positions on the market, as well as peak recruitment seasons in your field of activity. Headhunters are in constant contact with corporate decision-makers, and can be aware of opportunities even before they are posted. To tap into this hidden market, make sure you're on good terms with your recruiter, so that you're the first person they'll think of when a tempting opportunity arises. What's more, if you have an atypical profile and are looking for a position off the beaten track, the recruiter is the best person to advise you about opportunities that will lead you to the job you want. The Headhunter examines tons of CVs every day - so he or she knows exactly what kind of background is required to help you on your career path.

The Headhunter Knows the Right People and Trusts you

43% of potential candidates have been recommended or have a pre-existing relationship with decision-makers. Remember that the recruiter is your reference and can introduce you to the person with decision-making power. The Headhunter's network is well-stocked, and he or she knows who to talk to in order to give you access to the company's hiring process. If a company does business with a recruitment firm, it's not necessarily because it's not receiving resumes, but because it doesn't necessarily have the time to process all the files. The recruiter's role is to present the right candidates for the right opportunity at the right time. In other words, the recruiter ensures that your CV falls into the right hands and optimizes your chances of a successful job change. He also knows how to highlight your acquired skills and knowledge, and isn't afraid to present you in your best light. Think of him as the ideal “wing-man” for your first “date” with your future employer.

The Headhunter Helps you Navigate through Job Change

You probably don't realize it, but your former employer may be using retention tactics to keep you, prevent you from leaving, or sow doubt in your mind about your decision. The recruiter has seen it all, from threats of non-compete agreements and hidden clauses to guilt and frustration. He can help you deal with each situation so that you can make the right decision. It's never easy to change jobs when you're working 40 hours a week. But don't let tactics or fear stand in the way of a better situation. If doubt strikes you, ask yourself why you started this process in the first place. The Headhunter may not be a psychologist, but he or she is a very good listener, and you should know that you're not the first person to go through such a change. Make sure that your recruiter guarantees confidentiality, so that you can feel at ease.

Conclusion: The Qualities of your Best Friend

A good recruiter thinks of you when a new opportunity arises that matches your desires. A recruiter/best friend is neutral and works as much for your benefit as for that of the client. They want to put the right person in the right place at the right time. A good recruiter is honest and tells you the truth when you're not the right fit. If you've established a good relationship with your recruiter, he'll practically do the work for you because he has confidence in your skills. Finally, before you cast your lot with a headhunter, make sure he or she is transparent and discreet in his or her dealings, to avoid uncomfortable situations in your current job or with potential employers.

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