New Partnerships for Prestige Recruitment

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New Partnerships for Prestige Recruitment
As recruitment specialists in Retail (Fashion), Marketing, Fashion Design and E-commerce, it’s an honour for Prestige Recruitment to support the endeavours of tomorrow’s fashion professionals.

Innovation has always fuelled the fashion industry and students play a big part in transforming new ideas into future economic growth. It’s therefore only natural for Prestige Recruitment to partner with Entreprise Mode, by LaSalle College, and ÉM22, by École de mode du Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy. These two events recognize the work and concepts of this year’s talented Fashion Marketing and Fashion Design graduate students.

Entreprise Mode (E22)

LaSalle College’s Entreprise Mode is taking place on April 26, 2022, at Centre Pierre-Péladeau, in Montreal. This interactive event puts forward and rewards various business concepts developed by Fashion Marketing graduate students.

The winner of the Best Business Concept Award will be chosen by the audience with the help of three industry experts: Inder Bedi of BEDI STUDIOS, Zach Macklovitch of SAINTWOODS and Freddie Powers of SSENSE.  

Prestige Recruitment is proud to be offering a continuing education bursary during the event to one of seven finalists!


École de mode du Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy presents ÉM22, an event held on May 11, 2022, where 2nd year Fashion Marketing students organize, create and direct an original runway show to promote the collections of Fashion Design graduates. The goal is to highlight the ideas and overflowing creativity of these two study programs. An initiative Prestige Recruitment is happy to contribute to!   

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